06 59 55 63 43 fb@transcultural.agency

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(+33) 6 59 55 63 43


La Rochelle (FRANCE)

8 + 6 =

15 + 12 =

Couveuse d’Entreprises de Charente-Maritime



Ph. (+33) 6 59 55 63 43

François Brossard achieves his activities as a freelancer registered in France under the following legal identification number:

SIRET/SIREN ID : 849-804-679-00017

APE Code: 9001Z

Web Agency

Web Site Design by www.laurentguillot.fr

Web Hosting

OVH SAS 2, rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix www.ovh.fr

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

The contents of this web site are protected by both French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property. All copyrights are reserved, including texts and iconographic documents. Except for the photographs of Mr. François Brossard and Mrs. Isabelle Brossard, all the pictures used for illustration are free of right and provided by the following image galleries:

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